We need to be careful about whom we call a true friend. If we are not careful it will come back and bite us in the butt.
Have you ever thought about what it means to be a true friend? What does a true friend do?
8 Indications that Identify a True Friend
1. Real friends call and return calls
A true friend will call you back and make time to call you. If a “friend” does not call or return your calls, then perhaps they are not a friend
2. You do not have to chase after them
If you are constantly calling, texting, and trying to meet up with them to no avail, this is an indication that they are not a true friend. A real friend will respond to you and meet up with you, without chasing them. This occurs because both people want to connect. Above all, this is what a true friendship is, a connection on both sides.

3. A true friend has time for you
We all live busy lives with responsibilities, but we should not be too busy for our true friends. Therefore, if someone is too busy to be there for you, you are most likely not that important to them.
4. You spend personal, one on one time with them
You hang out together, just the two of you. Great conversation with personal information is shared between the two of you. This is someone you have a deep connection with. Hence, this is what you would call a true friend rather than an acquaintance.
5. Mutual respect
Having mutual respect is one of the most important things you can have in a friendship. As a result, this is a true friendship because of the respect for one another. Respect is a crucial element in any working relationship. On the contrary, if you are not respected, odds are you are being walked all over and taken advantage of, this is not a true friend.
6. Unconditional love, no judgment
A real friend unconditionally loves you. They love you for who you are, the friendship you share, and care about you. Additionally, when you make a mistake or a poor judgment call, they don’t make you jump through hoops to continue to be friends.
Take a moment to think about this, what true friends do you have that love you for you, and respect you no matter what?
7. A true friend cares
A true friend sincerely cares when you are doing well and when you are down and out. If they find out something has happened to you, they will take the time to call you directly and check on you. Consequently, a true friend will be happy when you reach out to them. This is just another example of what it is to be a good friend.

8. A true friend can be vouched for
You can put your stamp of approval on someone who has unconditional love, respect, time, returns calls/ texts, goes out of their way, and cares about you. While all along you are doing the same for them. If this is the case, you can stand up for that person in any situation.
It is important to step back and take a good look at the people you call true friends. We need to identify if they are true friends. Do they meet the criteria we just covered in this blog? When this criterion is met, we can vouch for these people because we know and trust them. It is not just about their career or intelligence; it is who they are inside, it’s obvious they have a good heart.
To have a true friendship, it must be a reciprocating relationship. There must be depth in the relationship.
When we approach the end of our day, the thing that matters the most is whom can you count on and who can count on you.
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