Get out of your routine. If you’ve been going to the same places over and over and nothing, stop going to those places. (Change is your friend)
- Start getting involved in what you love. If you love kayaking, surfing, cooking, biking, etc-do that-get in a group or organization or classes and you will meet others who also like/love what you like/love.
- Stop going backwards. There is usually a huge reason why someone is an EX…Stop going back to old flames to
look for a successful relationship. This action just makes it that much more difficult to find the right guy. It also takes your eye off the “prize” because you know you, you will become emotionally raped up with this ex and another year will go by and you are still single. - Don’t waste time with a PA. A passive-aggressive person is a potential problem. If you are looking for Mr. Right, he’s not a passive aggressive. If you feel as though you aren’t getting the full story, you are confused on what this person does, and you feel you are getting the run around…you probably are. Move on!
- Work on your life dream daily. Whatever your dream of your life is, do something each and every day to get closer to attaining that dream. When we work on ourselves we have a much better chance of finding Mr. Right.
- End the cycle. Don’t jump from relationship to relationship. Instead, take some time between relationships to get straight with you and consciously dump that emotional baggage and learn from each relationship. Dating just so you aren’t alone is a BAD idea.
- Love yourself and believe in yourself. When you do this someone will come into your life that has the same values as you. You can’t see something in someone else that you don’t possess. (Important!)