Most of us were raised to believe that our value is derived from helping others, what we do for others, and what we give them. Our value is not directly related to what we do, our value comes from within. Our parents taught us a flawed way of thinking based on the flawed way of thinking their parents were taught. Many of us were never told that we have innate value within ourselves. Yes, it is nice and right to do good by others, but it doesn’t define our value, we define our value on our own, separate from what we do, the title at work we have, the car we drive, the house you live in, etc. Getting to know ourselves is one of the most difficult things most of us will ever do, and many of us will never walk the path out of lack of knowledge that we need to do this or out of fear of what they will find. Usually, when we are alone we think about how bored we are, how isolated, and how sad we feel…As we sit on the couch in isolation with self, we don’t ever think about our value as a soul/human instead, you find yourself waiting for the phone to ring, hoping someone will text you and get you out of your misery. You haven’t gotten to know yourself, you haven’t even thought about getting to know you, much less being a friend to yourself. In this video, I explain how to get to know yourself. Getting to know yourself helps you to overcome the loss of identity, it helps you to begin to combat your codependent tendencies and ultimately helps you to see toxic relationships clearly and ultimately avoid/end them for good. Don’t miss my discussion on the non-negotiables in a relationship and how that works to safeguard you and create honest and true boundaries within all of your relationships. This video will help you to understand the personal choices that you can take today to strengthen you and your personal power.

Do you want to begin working with me, hire me today, make your first appointment by going to this link:… Are you ready to move past toxic relationships? If so, check out my newest website where you can start The 10 Day Challenge and a new MasterClass 10 Video sessions with me on-demand at